CROATIA! For some the name still brings back memories of horrific news reports depicting the ugly war for independence. For me, all I see is crystal clear waters and golden sands. The trip up from Montenegro took much longer than the 100kms should have, finally arriving in Dubrovnik somewhere around 11am. I met up with my friend Jax and we headed out to discover the old town.

Dubrovnik is a freakin' cool place. The old town is surrounded by ancient walls that rise high over the city. One of the first things I noticed about Dubrovnik, and probably Croatia in general, is that it is expensive! Well, a LOT more expensive than I am used to. Those coming from the UK keep saying how cheap it is... I am finding it very hard to adjust...

We took a walk around the old town, then paid 70kuna (€10!!) to walk the city walls. It was quite cool, but €10? REALLY? I was visiting ancient monasteries on mountains with amazing views in Montenegro for free! Anyway, enough moaning... Apart from the expense, Dubrovnik was definitely up there. That evening we went for a wander around the old town. The old stone buildings, deserted small alleyways, white cobble-stone roads were that much more impressive in the moonlight. We spent quite a long time looking for a bar both Jax and I had been recommended (sorry I cannot remember the name) which is built into the city walls, looking out over the bay and islands. Stunning! And the sunset? ... Well, take a look for yourself.
The following day we went down to the harbour to jump on the boat we would call home for the next week. This is the trip I won while in London with help from a lot of super-awesome people that are probably reading this right now! Yeah, I'm talking to YOU! Thanks, you rock :)

From then on my days were filled with chilling the f out... specifically; swimming, lying on deck, sun bathing, reading, sleeping, drinking... We also spent a lot of time in the water... or at least jumping off the boat! It wasn't tropical, but it was warm enough. And the food? Well, the food on the boat was average, but on the islands it was great. Croatia (the coast at least) has been heavily influenced by Italy - so pizza and pasta can be found everywhere, and are seriously good! Besides that, the boat was filled with some of the most awesome people I have ever met. It was so good to just cruise though the beautiful Croatian islands with good freinds, doing not a hell of a lot.

We were unlucky with the weather a couple of days, but generally it was perfect - clear blue skies, matching the perfectly clear water. And it was HOT! I am now at least a few shades darker (and bright red in a few places).

On the whole it was an amazing, relaxing trip.There were a few things that 'Sail Croatia' could have done to improve the experience, especially the cost; the drinks on board and excursions they ran were quite expensive. It was also annoying that no food or drink (including water) were allowed on the boat. Crazy, right? But on the whole, the positives far outweigh the few negatives.
Now I have to get back to the reality of 'real' travel; fending for myself, organising transport, accommodation etc. Adjusting to doing almost nothing but swimming and relaxing was easy, I think adjusting back is going to be considerably harder. But it is a good thing - I don't want to be getting lazy. My next stop is Mostar in Bosnia, which I am really looking forward to.
Oh, and for those of you confused about the title of this post - just watch
London Eye (Millenium Wheel) is Å10, and there's nothing to see from it. Really nothing.