I had been recommended a hostel that was out of the city center, but apparently worth the hassle. And I must agree. Atillas Getaway is one of the best hostels I have ever stayed in. The facilities are fairly average, and the location is... well, crap. But it has a great atmosphere. There is a huge outdoor area with an awesome bar, pool table, nice couches to relax in... And the owner, Atilla, is just a freakin cool guy. At night he lights a big fire and people just hang around, chat and have a drink. Good times.
That afternoon Suleyman had to work, so I met up with his friends Yukari and Guclu, and their couch surfer Animesh. We drove around the city, up to the castle which had some amazing views, to the university district, before ending up back at their house for a coffee and chat. Later I met Suleyman for a beer before calling it a night.
I got to the main station and had to wait only about 10 minutes for the main bus. By this time it was 12:30. My bus to Cappidokia left at 8pm (7pm for the free connection shuttle bus), and while on the way to Pergamon I started to realise that I didn't really have a lot of time to spare. It is only 90 minutes between Izmir and Pergamon, but when I returned to Izmir at the end of the day I had to go all the way back to Suleymans house, pick up my bag, then make my way back to the station once more. I worked out that I would have only about two hours to expore Pergamon.
The bus arrived into Pergamon about 20 minutes late. I went into the station and there was an info desk (unusual) with an attendant fluent in English (VERY unusual). Turns out that the bus station in Pergamon is also on the outskirts of town, and the free shuttle bus that connects with the city had just left. I would need to take a dolmus (minibus). It was 2:30pm.
While in the station I re-looked at my timing. I needed to be at the bus stop near Suleymans house with all my bags, ready to go, by 7pm. So I wanted to be back at Suleymans by 6:30, meaning I needed to be at Izmir central bus station at 6. To get there on time I had to take a bus at 4:30pm (latest) from Pergamon. The closest return bus was at 3:45pm. I bought a ticket.
I then waited for the dolmus... for about 20 minutes. It was almost 3pm when it finally came. I needed to be on a return bus at 3:45!! So I thought screw it, it is not worth the risk to go into Pergamon and possibly not make it back in time. I then tried to change my ticket to Izmir to the bus leaving at 3pm, but apparently it was full, just my luck. So I sat and waited, with no book to read or music to listen to.
My bus came, and left about 10 minutes late. We arrived in to Izmir about 20 minutes late. I went to the same place I had gone the day before to get the free shuttle bus to the city. But they were not running it (or at least that is what I think the guys there were saying). I had no idea how to get back to the house by any other means. I went and asked at one of the bus companies, but communication was extremely difficult. Besides that, all I had was the name of the bus stop. I tried to show them with the GPS on my phone, but just as I pulled it out it went flat. ARGHHH! In the end one of the staff from the bus company was leaving, so they told me to follow her. I had no idea where she was leading me; to the dolmus? The normal public transport bus, or the free bus. (Confusing, right?). It turns out we went to the dolmus, and I just had to trust in the fact that they knew where I wanted to go. It was 6pm.
The dolmus is possibly the slowest form of transport. It makes a million stops, and goes through all the tiny side-streets that are packed with people and traffic. I was on that bus for 50 minutes. The whole time stressing balls. When it finally stopped at the final stop I did not recognise anything around me. The driver pointed down the street and I sprinted.
I came to a T intersection and still did not recognise anything. I called in to a pharmacy and they pointed left. Again, I sprinted. After a couple of minutes I finally recognised where I was. But it was 6:55pm, and my bus left at 7.
Inside Suleymans house he had the unfortunate job of informing me that it was hopeless. The bus station was a good 15 minutes walk. It was gone. A shit end to a shit day. I went out on to the balcony to get some fresh air, and Suleyman called the bus company to try and swap my ticket to the following day. A minute later I heard a yell from inside the house "PACK YOUR STUFF, THEY ARE GOING TO WAIT FOR YOU!". I ran in, threw everything in my bag, and Suleyman and I flew down the stairs and into a cab.
We were at the stop by 7:10pm and the bus had not even arrived yet! About a minute later it pulled up, I said a quick goodbye to Suleyman, and was on my way. Maybe my luck was changing? But I wasn't going to relax just yet - I had made my shuttle bus to Izmir bus station, it did not mean I was going to make the bus to Cappidokia.
We arrived at the main station at 7:50pm. I quickly sorted out my bag, found my mp3, went to buy some food (I hadn't eaten since 11 and was starving), and used the bathroom. I made it on the bus with about 2 minutes to spare.
So I am now on my way to Cappadokia - I hope it is worth all the trouble
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