I looked at the timetable in the hostel which told me there was a train leaving at 11:30am. I turned up at about 11:25... no train. The next one seemed to be at 12. So I went for a wander, got some food, printed my boarding pass for my flight. I tried to get on the 12:00 train, but apparently it was a sleeper train. Thats right, a sleeper train leaving at midday. AND it was calling at Cefalu, but they wouldnt let me on! GAH! I was well and truely over the public transport.
The next train left at 1:10pm. One thing I had wanted to do in Palermo was check out the catacombs - a huge underground burial chamber lined with skeletons and mumified corpses - really gruesome stuff. If I had known the train wasn't until 1pm I could have gone that morning, which really annoyed me. But sh.. happens...
Determined to get to Cefalu, I amused myself for an hour or so, then finally got on the 1.10pm train. It really was a stunning little seaside town. It backed on to a huge mountain that still had remains of an ancient city. I walked most of the way up the hill, which gave amazing panoramic views over the town. I then wandered down along the beach, passing a massive cathedral that was beautifully decorated, before heading back to the train station. Surprisingly I had no trouble getting back to Palermo.
I quickly made my way back to the hostel to pick up my gear, then made my way to the bus station to catch a ride to Trapani. The trip was about two hours, in which time I met a very friendly (too much so) Italian guy. I can't speak a word of Italian, and he couldn't speak a word of English... yet he kept talking to me. I have no idea what he was saying, but he kept on going. To the point where it got a bit weird and I was looking forward to the end of the journey. When it finally did, the guy kinda followed me for a bit. I'm sure he was just being friendly, but the whole thing was weird... very weird.
The following morning I was up early and off to the airport. My flight went ahead with no ash clouds getting in the way, which was nice, and I was back in London mid-afternoon.
On the whole, Sicily was... an experience. Some really high points, and some really low points too. I dont think it is somewhere you HAVE to visit, but it was cool, so if you get the chance then certainly take it.
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