We both had half a day at work in order to head to Hyde Park for 'Hard Rock Calling'. What a frikken awesome day. We got there about 4pm with our stash of smuggled alcohol. First band we wanted to see wasn't until 5pm, so we chilled under the trees and enjoyed the sun, while listening to idiots trying to sing karaoke. We headed up to the stage with about 15 mins to spare so we could get a good spot right up front. The Silversun Pickups played were awesome! Highlight of the day for me. Unfortunately they only played about 5 songs.
Metric played next and were also really good. But again only a really short set!
At about 7pm we headed to the main stage to meet up with Malcolm and Sharne and a friend of theirs. We caught most of the Kooks set... I wasn't right into it but they sounded good! The Killers came on last and they rocked! I was impressed - I'm not a huge fan but they were awesome. We were standing right behind these awesome people that were dancing up a storm, check out the vids
Saturday we headed to 'Little Venice' in NW London - named for its canals. We chilled in a park by the canals for a few hours in the sun. Good times :)
Random other things we have been up to -
We went to Wicked (west end musical), the story of the witches of the wizard of oz. Rochelle loved it, and I actually enjoyed it! - didn't think I would.
We have also been to the Natural History Museum as well as the Science and Technology Museum. Both are amazing - you could spend days in there.

Our trip to Paris is coming up very soon. We plan to spend at least a day at Disneyland which will be fun :) We also want to get to Scotland and Sweden sometime soon.
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